Platinum Leather AFO
The ALL NEW PAL Platinum Leather Profile Brace has been constructed to offer patients a low-profile design and stability. The soft leather lining allows for easy fit into a shoe as well as comfort to help with patient compliance.
The stability of the Platinum Leather AFO paired with outstanding comfort for increased patient compliance, puts your patient on a direct path to healing. This prescription molded leather AFO uses a patented shoe manufacturing process to create a more functional device with unparalleled finish.
PAL also offers the Platinum Trim AFO which is provides a slender, less rigid alternative to the original Gauntlet, providing a more comfortable fit for any patient who is moderately-to-highly active.
Medicare-approved for reimbursement, the both AFO styles are plastic solid AFOs covered by two layers of leather and are padded to cushion bony areas. Orders are processed in ten quick days from the PAL lab.
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